emwin 发表于 2023-8-30 18:31:19

Source Insight发布更新V4.0.0130

Fix: C++ Scoped enums (enum class and enum struct) were not handled correctly by Lookup References and Jump To Definition.
Fix: C++ using enum statements were not recognized.
Fix: C/C++: Some forms of declaring pointers to functions where not recognized.
Fix: C/C++: When there was an extern declaration of a function inside another function, using Jump To Definition of the declared function did not work.
Fix: Import External Symbols: Importing from the INCLUDE path was truncating the path.
Fix: Using custom RegEx parsing with multiple patterns could record incorrect line positions of functions and symbols. This could cause the symbol pane on the left to show the wrong current function.
Fix: Context Window: Selecting an identifier and choosing Show in Relation Window was deactivating the Context window.
Fix: Crash could happen if re-indexing the symbol database and user cancels the re-index operation.
Fix: In some cases after re-parsing a project, the symbol database was not getting updated.
Fix: XML parser was not handling comments with embedded quotes correctly.
Fix: Popup toolbar now uses the same background color as the main toolbar.
Fix: Buffer overrun bugs fixed when typing in some panels to filter the list of symbols or files.
New: You can lock the main toolbar by selecting View > Toolbars > Lock Toolbar

rongzhai 发表于 2023-8-31 13:54:46


eric2013 发表于 2023-8-31 15:55:24

Source Insight Trial


adream1999 发表于 2023-9-7 09:11:52


十二月的肖邦 发表于 2023-9-11 14:20:32

eric2013 发表于 2023-8-31 15:55
Source Insight Trial



vico 发表于 2023-10-30 20:21:25

问哈老哥,有遇到过win11系统,打开Source Insight后过一段时间,它工具栏闪烁,其它软件有的工具栏也闪烁,系统右键菜单都闪烁的情况?把Source Insight关了就好了.

vico 发表于 2023-10-30 20:21:46

问哈老哥,有遇到过win11系统,打开Source Insight后过一段时间,它工具栏闪烁,其它软件有的工具栏也闪烁,系统右键菜单都闪烁的情况?把Source Insight关了就好了.
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查看完整版本: Source Insight发布更新V4.0.0130