eric2013 发表于 2018-3-16 02:20:02

Tracealyzer 4已经发布,Trace功能无比强劲,已经支持了RTX5和Amazon FreeRTOS,对于RTX5来说如虎添翼



Free Individual Licensing for Academic UsersWe offer FREE ACADEMIC LICENSES for all Tracealyzer products for individual users within education or academic research. The academic licenses are restricted to non-commercial use only, but offer full functionally and unlimited updates. Support is not included.To get an academic license, contact using your university e-mail
and e-mail subject “ACADEMIC LICENSE REQUEST ”.
Please include the following information:

[*]Full name and e-mail
[*]University/school name, faculty and course
[*]A link to the course/project website
[*]A short project description (type of application in development, hardware and software used)
[*]Specific problems you hope to solve by using the Percepio tools

Conditions of the Academic License

[*]Strictly for non-commercial use.
[*]One (1) node-locked license is allowed per person.
[*]Does NOT include technical support. If you need support, see University Package above.
[*]By requesting an academic license, you give us the right to use your provided information for marketing purposes, except for your e-mail address. Specifically, we intend to list users, projects and schools with academic licenses at our website.
[*]We reserve the right to deny academic license requests.

eric2013 发表于 2018-3-16 02:21:55

ou513 发表于 2018-3-16 08:18:22


avita 发表于 2018-3-16 09:09:15


roguebear 发表于 2018-5-9 20:42:11


Hzzz 发表于 2023-5-23 16:19:08

页: [1]
查看完整版本: Tracealyzer 4已经发布,Trace功能无比强劲,已经支持了RTX5和Amazon FreeRTOS,对于RTX5来说如虎添翼