eric2013 发表于 2018-4-20 03:06:12


R0.13b (April 07, 2018)
Added support for UTF-32 encoding on the API. (FF_LFN_UNICODE = 3)Added support for Unix style volume prefix. (FF_STR_VOLUME_ID = 2)Fixed accesing any object on the exFAT root directory beyond the cluster boundary can fail. (appeared at R0.12c)Fixed f_setlabel() does not reject some invalid characters. (appeared at R0.09b)

R0.13a (October 14, 2017)
Added support for UTF-8 encoding on the API. (FF_LFN_UNICODE = 2)
Added options for file name output buffer. (FF_LFN_BUF, FF_SFN_BUF).
Added dynamic memory allocation option for working buffer of f_mkfs() and f_fdisk().
Fixed f_fdisk() and f_mkfs() create the partition table with wrong CHS parameters. (appeared at R0.09)
Fixed f_unlink() can cause lost clusters at fragmented file on the exFAT volume. (appeared at R0.12c)
Fixed f_setlabel() rejects some valid characters for exFAT volume. (appeared at R0.12)

R0.13 (May 21, 2017)
Changed heading character of configuration keywords "_" to "FF_".
Removed ASCII-only configuration, FF_CODE_PAGE = 1. Use FF_CODE_PAGE = 437 instead.
Added f_setcp(), run-time code page configuration. (FF_CODE_PAGE = 0)
Improved cluster allocation time on stretch a deep buried cluster chain.
Improved processing time of f_mkdir() with large cluster size by using FF_USE_LFN = 3.
Improved NoFatChain flag of the fragmented file to be set after it is truncated and got contiguous.
Fixed archive attribute is left not set when a file on the exFAT volume is renamed. (appeared at R0.12)
Fixed exFAT FAT entry can be collapsed when write or lseek operation to the existing file is done. (appeared at R0.12c)
Fixed creating a file can fail when a new cluster allocation to the exFAT directory occures. (appeared at R0.12c)

R0.12c (March 04, 2017)
Improved write throughput at the fragmented file on the exFAT volume.
Made memory usage for exFAT be able to be reduced as decreasing _MAX_LFN.
Fixed successive f_getfree() can return wrong count on the FAT12/16 volume. (appeared at R0.12)
Fixed configuration option _VOLUMES cannot be set 10. (appeared at R0.10c)

leiyitan 发表于 2018-4-20 06:46:36

本帖最后由 leiyitan 于 2018-4-20 22:22 编辑

读写均衡,损坏扇区屏蔽,掉电保护…单片机都是spi flash 或nand,nor,一直都不敢用fat,或许不用文件系统。emmc是个不错选择,可以通过sdio接口,不足之处就是BGA封装不好搞,资料也不多。淘宝上有emmc转sdio转接板买,大神玩家可以测试一下,驱动程序应该和驱动sd可没区别…

小狐狸 发表于 2018-4-20 08:56:38

leiyitan 发表于 2018-4-20 06:46
读写均衡,损坏扇区屏蔽,掉电保护…单片机都是spi flash 或nand,nor,一直都不敢用fat,或许不用文件系统 ...



eric2013 发表于 2018-4-20 11:05:20

leiyitan 发表于 2018-4-20 06:46
读写均衡,损坏扇区屏蔽,掉电保护…单片机都是spi flash 或nand,nor,一直都不敢用fat,或许不用文件系统 ...

1、 读写均衡,损坏扇区屏蔽,掉电保护等问题,商用的文件系统都做的很好,像RL-FlashFS,emFile等,而且FAT兼容。



byccc 发表于 2018-4-20 11:56:25


suozhang 发表于 2019-3-21 13:38:36

byccc 发表于 2018-4-20 11:56


suozhang 发表于 2019-3-21 13:47:44
页: [1]
查看完整版本: FatFS升级到0.13b版本,可以给RT1052配上当前最新版本(更新日期2018-04-07)