eric2013 发表于 2020-2-13 01:40:19


(1)对于IAR For RISC-V进行支持,并且加强了对RISC-V内核芯片支持,做了多处修正。

2、开始在Github上进行更新,方便与大家互动,之前是一直在SourceForge SVN上。

3、当前正在努力制作第一个LTS(Long Term Support ) 版本。


另外,FreeRTOS的作者Richard Barry将参加会展期间的演讲。

hpdell 发表于 2020-2-13 07:23:44

领导辛苦了啊,支持V5,V6,V7 的历程大概什么时候发布啊?还是说直接替换内核即可以?

wdliming 发表于 2020-2-13 09:19:17


eric2013 发表于 2020-2-13 10:15:47

hpdell 发表于 2020-2-13 07:23
领导辛苦了啊,支持V5,V6,V7 的历程大概什么时候发布啊?还是说直接替换内核即可以?


wangyao 发表于 2020-2-20 15:08:56


morning_enr6U 发表于 2020-2-20 15:42:08

FreeRTOS-MPU Features
Compatible with the standard ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4F ports.
Tasks can be created to run in either Privileged mode or User mode. User mode tasks can only access their own stack and up to three user definable memory regions (three per task). User definable memory regions are assigned to tasks when the task is created, and can be reconfigured at run time if required.
User definable memory regions can be parameterised individually. For example, some regions may be set to read only, while others may be set to not executable (execute never, or simply XN, in ARM terminology), etc.
No data memory is shared between User mode tasks, but User mode tasks can pass messages to each other using the standard queue and semaphore mechanisms. Shared memory regions can be explicitly created by using a user definable memory region but this is discouraged.
A Privileged mode task can set itself into User mode, but once in User mode it cannot set itself back to Privileged mode.
The FreeRTOS API is located in a region of Flash that can only be accessed while the microcontroller is in Privileged mode (calling an API function causes a temporary switch to Privilege mode).
The data maintained by the RTOS kernel (all non stack data that is private to the FreeRTOS source files) is located in a region of RAM that can only be accessed while the microcontroller is in Privileged mode.
System peripherals can only be accessed while the microcontroller is in Privileged mode. Standard peripherals (UARTs, etc.) are accessible by any code but can be explicitly protected using a user definable memory region.
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查看完整版本: 赶在EW2020之前,FreeRTOS发布V10.3.0,将推出首个LTS版本