本帖最后由 kokoromi 于 2021-1-23 11:07 编辑
在官方手册里发现了两个配置选项,在3.08的系统和以前的系统中没找到,如下:Monitor Configuration
OS_CFG_MON_ENWhen OS_CFG_MON_EN is set to DEF_ENABLED , it enables the monitor services and data structures. If your application does not require monitors, set this option to DEF_DISABLED to reduce the amount of code and data space needed by μC/OS-III. OS_CFG_MON_DEL_ENIf your application needs to delete a monitor with OSMonDel() once they're created, set OS_CFG_MON_DEL_EN to DEF_ENABLED, if not, set this option to DEF_DISABLED. Critical applications should not delete kernel objects once the kernel is started.
上面这两个配置干啥用的?为什么源码里面没有呢? 还有新的系统修改了太多的东西了,硬汉有没有出新版系统详解的计划?