Name | Screenshot (classic) | Screenshot (skinned) | Description |
button | | | button which can be pressed. text or bitmaps may be displayed on a button. |
checkbox | | | check box which may be checked or unchecked. |
dropdown | | | dropdown listbox, opens a listbox when pressed. |
edit | | | single-line edit field which prompts the user to type a number or text. |
framewin | | | frame window. creates the typical gui look. |
graph | | | graph widget, used to show curves or measured values. |
header | | | header control, used to manage columns. |
iconview | | | icon view widget. useful for icon based plat- forms as found in common hand held devices. |
image | | | image widget. displays several image formats automatically. |
listbox | | | listbox which highlights items as they are selected by the user. |
listview | | | listview widgets are used to creates tables. |
listwheel | | | listwheel widget. the data can be moved and accelerated via pointer input device. |
menu | | | menu widgets are used to create horizontal and vertical menus. |
multiedit | | | multiedit widgets are used to edit multiple lines of text. |
multipage | | | multipage widgets are used to create dialogs with multiple pages. |
progbar | | | progress bar used for visualization. |
radio | | | radio button which may be selected. only one button may be selected at a time. |
scrollbar | | | scrollbar which may be horizontal or vertical. |
slider | | | slider bar used for changing values. |
spinbox | | | spinning box to display and adjust a specific value. |
text | | | static text controls typically used in dialogs. |
treeview | | | treeview widget for managing hierarchical lists. |